The Six Types of Working Genius
TRAININGEver wonder why a talented team of executives can still feel like priorities and projects are not getting done fast enough? Or why a team can be giving it 100% and still feel frustrated with their work? Patrick Lencioni has answers for you. Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team and The Advantage and pioneer of the global organizational health movement, has created a new model – The Six Types of Working Genius – that is going to powerfully benefit organizations, including credit unions, in the years and decades to come.
According to Lencioni, the new model helps individuals “identify their areas of working genius, as well as their areas of life-draining weakness, and puts themselves into a position to tap into their genius more and engage in their weakness less.”
Lencioni and his colleagues at The Table Group created this model in the past four months, and it’s already been tested by thousands. It came out of a desire to better understand why people are drawn to enjoy certain aspects of their work and not others, and where they seem to thrive.


The Genius of Wonder:
The natural gift of pondering the possibility of greater potential and opportunity in a given situation

The Genius of Invention:
The natural gift of creating original and novel ideas and solutions

The Genius of Discernment:
The natural gift of intuitively and instinctively evaluating ideas and situations

The Genius of Galvanizing:
The natural gift of rallying, inspiring and organizing others to take action

The Genius of Enablement:
The natural gift of providing encouragement and assistance for an idea or project

The Genius of Tenacity:
The natural gift of pushing projects or tasks to completion to achieve results

Lencioni explained in his recent live launch event that everyone has:
- Two areas of Working Genius – Two of the six types that come naturally to you, meaning that you are good at them and they give you energy and joy.
- Two areas of Working Competencies — You can do these fairly well, maybe even very well, but you don’t derive great joy or energy from them.
- Two areas of Working Frustrations – These areas are neither natural nor energizing for you, and most likely, you aren’t particularly good at doing them.
Unlike other personality tests, The Six Types of Working Genius focuses on the actual talents and stages required to get work completed: thus, showcasing a potent opportunity for leaders and teams